Alexandra Kotur and Carolina Herrera
Andrew Hall and Gail Meyers
Anne Marie Shaffer, Jim Mozina, Marcia Martinez and Alejandro Muguerza
Carol Seikaly, Oscar Seikaly and Darlene Perez
Carolina Herrera and Jorge Perez
Carolina Herrera, Darlene Perez, Jorge Perez and Sari Agatston
Carolina Herrera, Tom Collins and Jorge Perez
Carolina Herrera
Darlene Perez, Carolina Herrera and Debra Scholl
Diane Grob, Debra Scholl, Jorge Perez, Sari Agatston and Darleen Perez
Diane Grob, Debra Scholl, Jorge Perez, Sari Agatston and Darleen Perez
Gail Meyers, Sari Agatston, Dede Moss and Tom Collins
Gingi Beltran, Carolina Herrera and Patricia Herrera
Jonathan Becker and Alexandra Kotur
Jorge Perez, Darlene Perez and Carolina Herrera
Marcia Martinez and Debra Scholl
Nedra Kalsih, Glori Scharlin and Judy Weiser
Patricia Herrera and Alexandra Kotur
Patricia Herrera and Carolina Herrera
Patricia Herrera, Arthur Agatston, Sari Agatston and Debra Scholl
Pepe Castellanos, Aida Levitan and Rodrigo de la Luz