
In Alignment

By Kathy Biehl; Illustrations by Sebastian Marc-Graham

Astrology Symbol Collage

Feeling like you might need a little extra direction as we make our way toward the midway point of 2024? You’re not alone. We’ve tapped renowned Astrologer Kathy Biehl to share her forecast for the months ahead—and there’s lots of good news on the horizon! “Life isn’t calming (yet), but at least it’s letting you rearrange the pieces in ways that benefit you. And fun—remember that?—is returning,” says Biehl. “More good news: The solstice, June 21, is ushering in a summer of love: Not the flower power kind. Not romantic, either. Just comforting, nurturing love.”

  1. Illustration of Aries astrology symbol featuring a Ram


    You’re your biggest promoter right now. No telling what might catch fire, with the skies lining up to take you far. Your risk tolerance is paying off; a new-for-you and improved showcase for your talents is emerging. Inspiration for that may come in a dream (for real); follow it, and up your prices, please. And spread the word (as if you could keep this quiet). Bountiful Jupiter is pumping up your communication sector starting May 25, unleashing a flurry of convos, meetings, social media blitzes, multitasking, and day trips. Your solstice gift: finding comfort and nurturing in your own home, sweet home.
  2. Illustration of Taurus astrology symbol featuring a Cow in blue


    If there’s one thing 2024 has taught you (so far), it’s that little is as certain as you’d thought. Including you. May finds you shaking up your style. Radically, even. New look, new identity, new you— all spur profound changes unfolding in your career and public life. (Moving up? On? Out?) Meanwhile, Jupiter is bringing tangible good fortune and growth to your money house for a year, starting May 25. Diversify: your talents, income streams, the pals you bounce ideas off. Writing could pay off, too. Your solstice gift: supportive emotional communication.
  3. Illustration of Gemini astrology symbol featuring twins


    Much as it goes against your grain, quiet time is becoming essential. Worldly obligations aren’t going away, and your mind has been more of a perpetual motion machine than usual, even in your sleep. Meditation and yoga classes (you thrive on the company!) and occasional spa days do you good. You feel like yourself again by May 25, when Jupiter enters your sign for the first time in 12 years and invites all your personalities to come out to play. Dress them up and show them off; for the next 12 months, you’re the sky’s golden child. Your solstice gift: a surge in self-love and esteem, which overflows into your finances.
  4. Illustration of Cancer astrology symbol featuring a crab in red


    Your career may be demanding, but you’re leveling up, and implementing empowering changes that reflect what matters most to you. Simplify investments, both financial and emotional, and drop the ones that don’t deliver a return you consider meaningful. You’re freeing up your resources for a new, potentially lucrative organizational role, not to mention the longheld dream that’s coming into focus. With your thoughts running nonstop, unwinding may be a challenge. Fortunately, the cosmos is turning on a night light with a year-long glow when Jupiter enters your house of retreat on May 25. Your solstice gift: enjoying a taste of the love and nurturing you so naturally send out to others.
  5. Illustration of Leo astrology symbol featuring a lion in yellow


    The career spotlight is just where you like it: on you. Recent shakeups have positioned you for greater visibility and compensation, and aren’t they shaping up nicely now? Satisfy your travel bug in May, for work, pleasure, or both; you’re able to push your own message (and pursue adventure) wherever you are. Expansive Jupiter moves into your friend zone on May 25 for a year of juggling group activities and benefiting from well-connected peeps. Your magnetism hits new levels in June, elevating you at work and affecting (luring?) a special someone. Your solstice gift: sanctuary, retreat, and lots of spa time.
  6. Illustration of Virgo astrology symbol featuring florals


    Recent twists and turns have unlocked your thinking. It’s time to move some important items off your “maybe someday” list and make them happen, now. Practicality, finances, and sensory experience factor into them, whether you’re inspired to monetize your expertise, launch a podcast, go back to school, or travel abroad. (A culinary tour, maybe?) Bigger, better, broader horizons open when Jupiter brings his golden touch to your career sector on May 25. Think you’ve been busy? Just wait. Fortunately, you’ll be looking good while juggling all those balls. Your solstice gift: support and sustenance for a long-held dream.
  7. Illustration of libra astrology symbol featuring a scale in pink


    The skies have been short-circuiting your bent for putting other people first, and different patterns are starting to take hold. Investments of all kinds (including time, effort, emotions) are rearranging to reflect your values, your worth, and your entitlement to a solid return. You’re experiencing— implementing, even— a new allocation of power in relationships. Daily obligations may weigh you down, but your mind is opening to brighter, broader horizons, especially after May 25, when Jupiter begins a year of pumping up optimism and a willingness to learn and travel. Your solstice gift: a loving, supportive work family.
  8. Illustration of Scorpio astrology symbol featuring a scorpion in purple


    Energy is coursing through you as if from a cosmic IV drip. Trust your impulses and blaze through your to-do list without overthinking (or any thinking). Channel some of the excitement into physical exercise, too. You’ve got the support of a well-timed, supportive phase blossoming in your closest relationships, cushioning the monumental changes unfolding in your home and family life. Business as usual is no more. Explore options without constraint, with Jupiter emphasizing joint resources starting May 25. Rethink who’s paying for what. Diversify investments. Brainstorm business ventures. And look into tax planning, insurance, and a will. Your solstice gift: viewing the world as a nurturing place, with platforms for spreading that message.
  9. Illustration of Sagittarius astrology symbol featuring an archer who is half man half horse


    After a spring like this year’s, you’re game to switch up your daily routine. Say yes to new job duties, and treat your body like the valuable vehicle it is. Join a gym; try a new class (sound healing, anyone?); upgrade your fitness app or tracker. Whatever you launch now has staying potential. Starting May 25, expansive Jupiter begins a yearlong tour of your partnership sector, bringing good fortune to relationships and to your partner as well. Speaking your truth is part of the package; don’t hold back. Your solstice gift: deep, nurturing connections and investments that feed your heart and soul (and people you care about).
  10. Illustration of Capricorn astrology symbol featuring sea-goat


    Inspiration and creativity are flowing through you, seeding innovations in self-expression (art, music, that book you’ve been kicking around) and dealings with children. (Want one? The skies are cooperating.) Once Jupiter starts whipping up your house of daily routine on May 25, life flies into a whirlwind of multitasking, multiple personalities, and running around. Take care: Side effects include unconscious overeating. Your natural bent for staying on task will quickly lead to new schemes to manage your schedule; just leave room for fun. And ask for more money or clout. Your solstice gift: someone to love, who loves you back.
  11. Illustration of Aquarius astrology symbol featuring water coming out of a vase


    Lately the world’s been seeing more and more of your unique self. Up your comfort level with that by mixing things up on the home front, to support and reflect the bold new you. Splurge on comfier seating, repaint walls, switch out pillows, install an indoor gardening system–what’s important is not the specifics or the cost, but how you feel. Then go out and play. Jupiter upends blowing up your house of creativity, fun, and romance on May 25, delivering writing prompts and companions galore. One of whom might prove to be something…more. Your solstice gift: nurturing your body.
  12. Illustration of Pisces astrology symbol featuring orange koi fish


    Your natural magic is taking on maturity, expertise, and quiet authority, thanks to stabilizing Saturn in your house of identity and appearance. They’re anchors as you unleash your creativity into short-form writing, your neighborhood (gardening as artistic expression?), and your socials. Following your inspiration perks up your posts and might land you influencer status, and maybe some cash, too. Change your media diet, try out different platforms, and upgrade your car while you’re at it. Jupiter moves into your home and family sector on May 25, whipping up talk, activity, and visitors. Your solstice gift: abundant creativity and love.


If you’re looking for more astrological direction, tune into Kathy Biehl’s weekly podcast, Astro-Insight.


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